Don’t skip breakfast

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Skipping breakfast won't help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.

Drink plenty of water

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People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need. 

Use a smaller plate

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Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions. By using smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it's full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

Don’t stock junk foods

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To avoid temptation, try to not stock junk food such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks at home. Instead, opt for healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.

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