Some pictures of bollywood actress anushka sharma and actress athiya shetty are becoming increasingly viral on social media. In which both looked very disappointed sitting in the cricket ground. Actually, both had reached melbourne cricket Ground to watch the Boxing-Day Test match between india and Australia. Where the poor performance of Anushka's husband virat kohli and Athiya's husband KL rahul broke their hearts.
Anushka-Athiya's pictures went viral on social media
Actually anushka sharma had reached melbourne with her family before the cricket match. Where she was then spotted in the stadium during the fifth day's match. anushka had reached the stadium to spot her husband Virat. During this, actress athiya shetty was also seen with him. When virat kohli got out during the match, after that Anushka's heart was broken along with the fans and she looked very disappointed.
Both Virat and KL Rahul's heart was broken when they got out
After this, when KL rahul got out, athiya shetty also looked very shocked. He put both his hands on his face. His reaction is also becoming increasingly viral on the internet. During this, anushka was also seen sitting very quietly near him. Let us tell you that Virat was out after scoring just 5 runs in this match. Let us tell you that anushka sharma is married to indian cricketer Virat Kohli. Both are now parents of two children, a daughter Vamika and a son Akay Kohli. At the same time, athiya shetty is married to KL Rahul. The couple is going to welcome their first child very soon. Athiya was also seen flaunting her baby bump for the first time in the stadium.