Currently maharashtra chief minister devendra fadnavis has come into action mode in this case. Like Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, now cm fadnavis has also decided to take bulldozer action. An order has been given to start the process of confiscating the property of the absconding accused in the Beed Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh murder case. This order has been given by chief minister devendra fadnavis to the Additional director General of CID. At the same time, the cm has told the Beed Superintendent of police that if the investigation proves that the people in the photo have guns, their licenses should be canceled.
Perhaps it is worth noting that the opposition alliance Mahavikas had also taken out a rally demanding the arrest and punishment of the culprits of Masajog village Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh murder case in Beed, Maharashtra. On saturday (28 December), a big rally was taken out by all the parties of MVA in Beed. Many leaders of Congress, sharad pawar faction and uddhav thackeray faction including all the big leaders of MVA participated in this rally. This rally was taken out in the case of murder of Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh in Beed.
Moreover the opposition alleges that people of Mahayuti leader dhananjay Munde are involved in Santosh Deshmukh murder case. In such a situation, apart from dhananjay Munde's leaders, there should be an investigation against the ncp leader as well. In fact, it has been 19 days since the murder of Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh, but till now all the accused are out of police custody. Meanwhile, opposition parties took out a silent march with banners regarding the murder of Santosh Deshmukh. It was written on the banners, 'The murder of Santosh Deshmukh is the murder of humanity.