The late Sridevi's daughter, according to him, did not collaborate with Bollywood's biggest names, including Ranveer Singh, Salman, Aamir Khan, and Shah Rukh Khan. For actresses to stay at the top, maintain their brand value, and achieve enviable popularity, they must collaborate with A-listers and box office badshahs. He notes that Janhvi didn't get the chance to compete with actors like deepika padukone since she chose to work with relatively unknown actors like Rajkumar Rao, varun Dhawan, and Sunny Khoshal.
She is now a part of tollywood, though, as her mother was a great telugu film actress who reigned the industry in the 1980s and 1990s. "She was the highest paid actress in telugu cinema at the time and was considered the undisputed queen." In addition to sharing screen time with younger actors like nagarjuna and Venkatesh, she collaborated with the greatest commercial icons, including ntr, ANR, and Chiranjeevi. He ends, "Janhvi should follow her lead and choose roles with telugu movie stars. She will become the leading lady in a year or two thanks to her talent and stunning appearance."