On Monday, venkatesh Maha's divisive comments about kgf 2 were widely shared online. The director absolutely lost control and used inappropriate words to trash the kgf persona. He even got other directors in trouble for supporting him. The director eventually provided a clarification, but it hardly seemed sincere. The filmmaker said he is sorry for his words, but he stands by his assessment of the movie. The justification lacked any sincerity or sense of regret. He claims to regret his language, but it doesn't seem like he really does.

Simply said, he doesn't seem to be in the mood to explain or apologise. A sincere apology ought to put an end to the debate, but it appears that this is not the purpose. Throughout the video explanation, we can notice his abrasive language and body language. On the part where he didn't retract his statement, venkatesh maha ought to have displayed heroism by saying something like that about a telugu star movie, a hero, or a director.

If filmmakers demonstrate the same heroism off-screen, we have seen some poor examples in the past. Audiences will adore the courage of heroes on screen. He is simply bothering the other directors involved since his improper apology and lack of closure will lead to further discussions.

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