What is the definition of defamation?

Every indian citizen is guaranteed the right to free speech by the Constitution, but it also imposes severe penalties on anyone who intentionally defames another person by misusing their name or dignity. To put it simply, defamation is a legal procedure intended to prevent someone from intentionally and maliciously damaging another person's reputation. The term for it in english is defamation.

Section 499 of the IPC defines "defamation." As to Section 499, it is deemed defamatory for someone to attempt to harm the reputation of another individual by means of writing, speaking, reading, gestures, or photographs. The same provision of the IPC also addresses defamation of a deceased person. According to this, the surviving family of the deceased person may bring a defamation lawsuit against the deceased person if an attempt is made to harm his reputation by remarks or writings. It is crucial for a remark or statement to be "objectionable" in order for it to be considered defamatory; the court makes this determination.

These items don't qualify as defamation.

It won't be regarded as defamation if someone or an organization disparages another person's organization for something that is true. A government employee's comments about any issue pertaining to the nation's regular citizens won't be considered defamatory. Reporting on individuals connected to a legal proceeding is not deemed defamatory if it is ongoing in any court. Providing your thoughts or allowing the public to judge any of your works is not deemed defamatory.

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