Jackpot for Ration card holders..!? Quality rice..!?

21 kg of rice and 14 kg of wheat are provided free per ration card to Antyodaya Anna Yojana scheme beneficiaries. Now, apart from wheat, enriched rice will also be provided to the ration card holders in prescribed quantities. To prevent malnutrition among women and children, the central government has taken a new decision to provide free fortified rice to ration card holders every month. For this, concentrated rice will be supplied to the district soon. By consuming this rice, you can get iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. Fortified rice tastes just like regular rice. And the cooking method is the same, but enriched rice has more nutrients.
Under the Food Security Scheme 2023, the central government has implemented a scheme to provide monthly free food grains to ration card holders. Under this, 3 kg of rice and 2 kg of wheat per unit are being provided free of cost to eligible household ration card holders every month. 21 kg of rice and 14 kg of wheat are provided free per ration card to Antyodaya Anna Yojana scheme beneficiaries. Now, apart from wheat, enriched rice will also be provided to the ration card holders in prescribed quantities.Enriched rice has been allocated in the district. Soon this rice will start reaching the ration shops. Regarding this, district Supply Officer Vikas Kumar said that this rice has more nutrients than ordinary rice.

* Total ration cards of eligible families in the district are 3 lakh 38 thousand 352
* 36 thousand 542 ration cards issued under the Antyodaya Anna scheme in the district
* The number of fair-price shops in the district is 885

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