Reportedly the round of allegations and counter-allegations continues between political parties regarding the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi. Meanwhile, delhi Chief minister and AAP leader Atishi has once again accused the bjp of conspiring to rig the election. She also said that the bjp has no vision. delhi cm Atishi wrote on social media platform X, "BJP is losing the delhi elections badly. They have neither a cm face nor a vision for the people of Delhi. Therefore, the bjp is now adopting every trick to rig the election. Votes of AAP supporters are being cut on a large scale."
When accusing the bjp, she further said, "Thousands of fake votes are being made. Votes are being bought by openly distributing money but these conspiracies of bjp will never succeed, we will answer their every conspiracy along with the people of Delhi.''
Moreover the National Convenor of AAP said, ''BJP wants to win the election by cheating. It has put indian democracy at stake. They want to win the election by any means but the people of delhi will not let this happen. It is said that the tricks they used in maharashtra and Haryana, we will not let them win in delhi by those tricks.'' arvind kejriwal further said, ''Just a few days ago we had told how they applied to cut 11 thousand 8 votes in Shahdara in one assembly. We had won that assembly by 5 thousand votes last time. If these 11 thousand votes were cut, there was no chance of winning but they were caught, caught red handed. After this, those 11,000 voters could not be deleted.