Women still lag behind, does the government care?
The Global Gender Gap Index 2024 looks at how much equal rights women and men get in different countries of the world. 146 countries were included in this report and india has got 129th place in it. This means that india is lagging far behind in terms of giving equal rights to women as men.
If we look at the last few years, the situation in india has been almost the same. This is a matter of concern because it shows that we are not able to make as much effort as we should to bring equality between women and men. However, this report does not tell how good or bad the situation of women is, but it tells how many rights women have compared to men. This helps us understand how much difference there is between women and men in different countries and over time.
After all, has the indian government tried to know why India's ranking is falling in the Global Gender Gap Index? Does the government collect and study data related to women and men so that it can be seen how much the condition of women is improving and in which areas problems still exist? In such a situation, many questions were asked to the Ministry of women and Child Development in the lok sabha that the government only told about all its schemes. The real questions were not answered.
How many opportunities women are getting compared to men?
According to the report, the difference in the health of women and men in india has reduced considerably. 95.1% of the difference has been eliminated. There has been a lot of improvement in india in terms of education as well. 96.4% of the difference has been eliminated. But other countries of the world have progressed even more than this. Therefore, india is ranked 112th in terms of education among 146 countries and 142nd in terms of health.
Women in india still get very few opportunities in terms of jobs and earning money. India's score is only 39.8%, which shows that there is very little economic equality between men and women here. The situation of economic equality in bangladesh (31.1%), sudan (33.7%), iran (34.3%), and pakistan (36%) is even worse than in India.