In a dramatic twist that could rival the plot of a political thriller, Congress's eloquent luminary shashi tharoor has found himself tangled in a web of his own making. On the one hand, he's lambasting Modi's cabinet minister hardeep singh puri on social media for a supposed meeting with the international bogeyman of the right-wing, George Soros. On the other, he’s reportedly slipping into Hardeep Puri's DMs, pleading for discretion. Oh, the irony!
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer poetic chaos of this situation. Tharoor, known for his unparalleled vocabulary and flair for verbose tirades, appeared to have embraced the noble cause of exposing political collusion—or so we thought. With twitter ablaze, Tharoor seemed to be channeling his inner crusader, holding puri accountable for associating with the "globalist puppet master" of conspiracy lore.
But lo and behold, as the twitter dust settled, a separate narrative emerged. Apparently, our loquacious leader had quietly sent a private message to puri, requesting him to "hush up the matter." A more generous observer might interpret this as damage control, but the rest of us can see the comical paradox in full display.
Is Tharoor scared of Soros's shadow, or is he simply worried about being caught in a spiral of political own-goals? Is he concerned that his public posturing might boomerang into questions about his own associations? Or is it just that he knows the social media mob he whipped up might eventually find him less crusader and more court jester?
Meanwhile, one imagines Hardeep puri reading Tharoor’s message with the amused detachment of a seasoned player who knows when to enjoy the spectacle. After all, nothing spices up the political drama like your accuser quietly pleading for damage control.
Tharoor might want to brush up on an old adage: what happens on twitter doesn’t stay on Twitter. And in an age where private messages mysteriously find their way into the public domain, perhaps discretion is the better part of valor. Until then, we wait for his next verbose explanation, preferably in sesquipedalian style, to untangle this delightful mess.