We all should be comfortable with Abbreviations and Acronyms and we should know first of all what is an abbreviation? These abbreviations are shorter versions of the existing words which we use in our day-to-day lives and they are created as it saves time and also takes less space when we text or write. Even while addressing someone we use abbreviations like Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, and so on.

These shorter spellings and expressions are used in our day-to-day lives. We already know some acronyms like ATM and it stands for Automated Teller Machine and nasa stands for national aeronautics and space administration and this usually means a name or slogan. When we speak, we often use LOL which means Laugh Out Loud.

Every time we can't pronounce etcetera and in short, we use, etc and these abbreviations and acronyms are more like a shorthand technique. While telling time, we use AM and PM and AM stand for Ante Meridiem which means 'Before Noon' in Latin. In the USA, even for state and city they use postal abbreviations like mentioning NY for New York and so on. The same happens for Measurement abbreviations as well as we can see the usage of ft, cms, in and so on.

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