Raghu Thatha is an upcoming tamil film that has garnered attention due to its intriguing storyline and the involvement of acclaimed actress Keerthy suresh in the lead role. Directed by suman Kumar, known for his work on the popular web series The Family Man, the film is expected to be a socially relevant and thought-provoking narrative with a blend of humor and drama.

Keerthy suresh plays the titular character, raghu Thatha, a strong-willed woman who stands up for her beliefs in a society dominated by patriarchal norms. The movie explores themes of gender equality, social justice, and the fight against societal pressures, all wrapped up in a compelling and entertaining package. Keerthy's role is expected to be powerful, showcasing her ability to portray characters with depth and emotional complexity. During a promotional event, Keerthy answered that she may or may not enter politics in future and in replies, fans commented that she will be joining Vijay's TVK party.

Produced by Hombale Films, the banner behind blockbusters like KGF and Kantara, Raghu Thatha is anticipated to have a high production value and a strong narrative. The film's first-look posters and teasers have already generated excitement, with fans eager to see Keerthy in a role that challenges conventional norms and highlights her versatility as an actress. As one of the most anticipated tamil films, Raghu Thatha is expected to make a significant impact upon its release.

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