The overwhelming majority of people right now support the re-releases. In the recent past, Gabbar Singh, which was reissued on september 2nd in honor of Pawan's birthday, is the most noteworthy re-release. To sum up, Mahesh Babu's supporters are now adamant that the moment is right to re-release Khaleja.
When khaleja first opened in theaters, it was a box office disaster; today, there is a movement to get the movie back into theaters. Mahesh's supporters are adamantly asserting the same. It is important to acknowledge that khaleja is currently quite popular on wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital platforms and TV. However, at the time of its premiere, the movie faced complete rejection from theaters. Rereleases need to greatly appeal to the general public in order to be successful. We're not quite sure if khaleja could accomplish this at this point.

Reaching a specialized audience is one thing, but drawing large crowds is quite another. Nevertheless, khaleja has its own devoted following and presents viewers with a fresh Mahesh. Therefore, it's difficult to say for sure if khaleja would be successful if it were rereleased. However, it is certain that a particular segment would be greatly enthused by the same.

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