A heartbreaking wedding ceremony video went viral on social media, garnering thousands of views and evoking strong feelings. The video, which was posted on instagram by the account tv1indialive, depicts a tearful moment during the "varmala" (wedding garland exchange) ceremony in which the bride abruptly starts crying.
Two days after it was released, the video has already received over 1.38 crore views and over 3 lakh likes. It shows the bride and groom sitting next to each other on stage shortly after they exchanged garlands. The bride breaks down in tears, leaving her family members clearly upset while the crowd applauds and praises the newlyweds.
The bride is distraught despite the frantic attempts of her sisters and female relatives to console her. The groom's presence next to her, which appears to be causing the bride's emotional distress, is what stands out the most in the video. The bride's emotional response appears to be triggered by the fast speculation of many spectators that the groom is not the person she is looking for.

The video sparked widespread criticism of the bride’s father, with many viewers questioning his decision to marry off his daughter to someone she seemingly does not approve of. One user commented, “What kind of a father would do this to his daughter?" while others expressed sympathy for the bride, suggesting that the marriage may have been forced upon her.

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