Vitamin E, Yoghurt, Honey and Lemon Juice for skin whitening

Image result for Vitamin E, Yoghurt, Honey and Lemon Juice for skin whitening

For this you need 2 teaspoons vitamin E oil, 2 tablespoons yogurt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice Rosewater Cotton pad. Take 2-3 vitamin E capsules and prick them to extract the liquid. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Wipe your face clean using the rose water and cotton pad. Slather the face mask over your face and neck and let it dry. Wash with cold water.

Vitamin E Oil for Treating Dark Circles

Image result for Vitamin E Oil for Treating Dark Circles

You need 2 capsules of vitamin E oil. Now puncture the capsules and pour the liquid into your palm. Apply the oil directly to the area around your eyes. Massage it gently and leave it on overnight.

Vitamin E, Papaya, and Honey for Glowing Skin

Image result for Vitamin E, Papaya, and Honey for Glowing Skin

You need 3-4 vitamin E capsules1 cup papaya peel (make a paste) 1 teaspoon honey. Now squeeze the vitamin E capsule and mix the oil with the papaya peel paste. Add honey to it and blend well. Apply the mask to your face and neck. Allow it to dry. Wash your face with water.

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