The horror-comedy 'Geethanjali' (2014), presented by acclaimed writer-turned-producer kona venkat and produced by MVV cinema, was a huge success. The Anjali-starrer not only proved a box-office triumph, but it also established the tone for future films in the genre.

The sequel shoot has just begun, and it is being directed by newcomer shiva Turlapati. It's 'Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi,' which MVV cinema and Kona Film Corporation hope to be a unique and different entertainment. anjali plays the title character, and it picks up where Geethanjali left off.

The sequel's production has recently begun. Needless to say, the sequel will follow in the same horror-comedy vein. 'Geethanjali Malli Vachindi' is being made as a big-budget horror film. The film will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and malayalam in early 2024.

The creators are certain that this sequel will exceed all prior horror comedy flicks. The story of this film will take place in hyderabad and Ooty. So far, the filmmakers have completed 80% of the filming. The entire shoot will be completed with one more schedule in Ooty.

Geethanjali is a big film in Anjali's career, and this sequel Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi marks her 50th film, making it even more significant. GV and MVV Satyanarayana will produce the film. music will be composed by Pravin Lakkaraju, while cinematography will be handled by Suhatha Siddhartha. kona venkat wrote the story.

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