Kashmir is changing but Rahul's anger is bursting?...

Rahul gandhi has hoisted the tricolour at the bell tower of Lal Chowk in Kashmir. Generally, in a very sensitive area, rahul gandhi and the workers looked relaxed. It was said that the tricolour could not be hoisted at Lal Chowk even after so many years of independence. rahul gandhi and congress workers hoisted the tricolour without any fear.

He was walking freely in the kashmir Valley. This is the same valley, where terrorist incidents are very common. The terrorists had tarnished the beauty of the kashmir Valley. Now the situation is that everything has changed. Where it is difficult to go, they are taking out marches. rahul gandhi also says that the abrogation of article 370 was wrong. With the abolition of this article, there have only been improvements in Kashmir. The atmosphere of fear in kashmir is ending and peace is being restored in the valley.

What is the achievement of rahul Gandhi's visit?

Rahul gandhi has tried to help from kashmir to Kanyakumari. He had called 21 parties to Srinagar, but due to bad weather, many people could not come. local leaders of kashmir were involved in this journey. PDP Chief mehbooba Mufti, National Conference Chief farooq abdullah and omar abdullah were also seen on this visit. He tried to maintain opposition solidarity but the opposition has not taken him seriously. Political experts consider it premature to say that the mass base of congress has increased after this visit. congress still needs to strengthen its position on the ground.

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