A strange case has come to light in agra, in which mustard oil has become the reason for the dispute between husband and wife. The husband and wife quarreled over mustard oil to such an extent that it reached the point of divorce. Due to the dispute, the wife is living in her maternal home, the dispute between husband and wife increased so much that the matter reached the police.
At the same time, the wife complained to the police about the husband, the police was shocked after hearing the wife's complaint. After the complaint, the matter was transferred to the family counseling center, where both were counseled. The young man and woman living in agra got married in the year 2020. Everything went well for a few years of marriage, but then something happened that the dispute between the two kept increasing. Such an incident happened between the husband and wife that both of them started fighting. In the case that reached the family counseling center, the wife has complained that the husband does not give money for expenses, even after asking many times, he did not give money for expenses, due to which problems started.
The wife used to ask for money from her husband for expenses but the husband often used to avoid her requests. The wife definitely needed money for her expenses but she did not have money. The wife was accused of selling the mustard oil kept in the house and selling it at her maternal home, the husband got the inkling of selling the oil and a fight broke out between the two on this matter. The fight kept increasing due to mustard oil and the angry wife went to her maternal home.
After coming to her maternal home, the wife complained to the police about her husband
The wife has been living in her maternal home for the last two months. After coming to her maternal home, the wife complained to the police about her husband. The case of the fight between the husband and wife was transferred to the family counseling center and counseling of both was started in the counseling center.
wife takes mustard oil to her maternal home and sells it - Husband
Family Counseling Center Counselor Dr. Satish Khirwar said that a very strange case had come, the boy and girl got married in 2020. During counseling, the girl told that her husband does not give money for expenses. The boy said that I am a village resident, mustard is grown in our field. The 2-3 liters of oil that I bring from it, my wife takes it to her maternal home and sells it.