Renu Desai, an actress and Pawan Kalyan's ex-wife, is still active on social media. Additionally, she recently disputed several remarks made by pawan kalyan fans. She answered this time in a fairly frustrating way, expressing her suffering.
On Renu's Instagram, a pawan kalyan supporter wrote, "Madam this is too much. Give our akira at least one showing. We are eager to see the son of beloved Anna (Pawan Kalyan). Do not conceal him, please. At least once a while, make a video of him available. It's a loose translation of a telugu message made online by a user.

While we can appreciate that the pawan kalyan fan's post may have been made in anticipation. Renu, however, was plainly enraged by the Netizen's remark because she asserted that akira was her son and retaliated strongly. As her response was brought on by the fact that akira was merely referred to as Pawan's son, it is understandable that her reply has a slight feminine undertone.

Furthermore, it is obvious that Renu's remark was a reaction to a single post rather than the accumulation of frustration from her admirers' never-ending messages. The result in Renu's post amply supports this.

Renu was clearly triggered by this post, and she replied, “Mee anna(Pawan Kalyan) Koduku??? akira Naa Abbayi. Meeru oka talli ki Putta leda? I keep ignoring most of your messages. I understand that you’re his hardcore fans, but you guys are just so insensitive beyond belief.”

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