It has been reported that doctors are considering giving Vijayakanth a tracheostomy similar to the one given to former tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa. DMDK leader Vijayakanth has been admitted to a private hospital in Nantambakkam, chennai due to ill health. It has been reported that doctors are considering giving him a tracheostomy similar to the one given to former tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa.

Actor and DMD leader Vijayakanth was admitted to a private hospital in chennai on november 18 due to ill health. As he had cold and cough problems, he was being treated with artificial respirators. When Vijayakanth was admitted to the hospital, Vishami started rumors about his health. Demuthika denied it and was told that Vijayakanth had gone for a routine medical check-up and would return home in a few days. In this case, a report was released by the hospital about Vijayakanth's condition on wednesday afternoon. In it, it has been said that Vijayakanth's health is not stable and there is a need to keep him in the hospital for 14 more days for further treatment.

Later, another published medical report stated that Vijayakanth was being treated with a ventilator. According to the medical report, the doctors are also consulting about tracheostomy for Vijayakanth's breathing problem. A medical treatment in which a small hole is made in the trachea to regulate breathing is called tracheostomy. This treatment is given to people with respiratory problems. The tube is inserted into a small hole in the neck. You can breathe through this tracheostomy tube.

It may be recalled that former chief minister of tamil Nadu jayalalithaa was also given ventilator treatment followed by tracheostomy when she was hospitalized.

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