There was a disastrous snowfall in the plains of Kashmir. The snowfall on friday and saturday increased the cold further. After the snowfall, there was a water crisis in remote areas. In Khairam Ashdar village of Anantnag, there are only two options left to meet the water needs.
The first is to arrange water from the spring by walking 2 km through the forest and the second is to make water by melting the frozen snow outside the house with fire. women have to adopt both the options to meet their water needs.
It takes two hours for women to bring water from the spring through the forest. women can carry only two pots of water at a time. When they finish, they have to go again for water. It takes 5 to 6 hours to do this. He said that after the snowfall, the flow of water in the forest has also reduced drastically. For water, women fill snow in pots and melt them on the stove. Snow is used when it turns into water.
Snowfall in kashmir increased the trouble of people amidst cold
Water is used for drinking, cooking and bathing. However, there is a risk of many diseases by drinking water after boiling snow. women told that children get phlegm in their chest. Cough problem also arises. Children also have to bring water out of helplessness. Now the work of women is limited to bringing snow and melting it. They expressed their anger against the government. During elections, public representatives come to ask for votes. They also make big announcements. After winning the elections, the problems of the people remain the same. women demanded the government to make arrangements for water.