When coming up with a problem fighting is what some people in the society do. If they find the solution it is ok or else they will leave it there without trying still more. Only a couple of people will try to any extent to solve the problem with strong determination as king Vikramaarka. One among them is this telugu woman Srija Redy saripalli who occupies a prominent place. The hard work she had done to solve the Autism problem in kids is indefinite.

Her son got the problem of hearing by birth itself. For that she consulted many doctors. At that time many facilities were not available for the treatment. So she had done a lot of research with the help of her husband saripalli koti Reddy. As a part of this, they went many places in our country and derived the solution for Autism. During this war of finding solution to Autism she didn’t get discouraged or disappointed.

She did a continuous research and worked very hard to make her son normal. In this process she thought of sharing the result with all the mothers whose kids are suffering from Autism. So she started an Autism Institute with the name Pinnacle Blooms in Hyderabad. She brought all the therapies onto one stage and giving treatment with low cost.

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