The most recent movie by harish shankar, Mr. Bachchan, was a complete bust. harish shankar said during the movie's marketing that he would be working with actor ram pothineni on a project that would be produced by krishna Kommalaapati under the Arunachala Creations label. Additionally, he was hoping that Ram's Double Ismart, which was made available on the same day, would turn into a huge hit.

But because Double Ismart turned out to be an enormous failure as well, there have been murmurs that the Harish Shankar-Ram movie may be postponed or delayed. To elucidate the issue, neither harish shankar nor ram, nor the producer, have released an official comment. harish shankar recently discussed his new movie, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, during a press conference for the re-release of Gabbar Singh. He said that the film's production will soon get off and hoped pawan kalyan would set aside some time for it. He omitted to mention the state of his collaboration with ram, though.

The industry chatter is that the Harish Shankar-Ram movie could not materialize anytime soon in light of these circumstances. watch out this space for more updates in this regard. 

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