Indigo sent the passenger to udaipur rather than Patna...

A case of negligence of indigo airlines has come to the fore. A passenger was supposed to go to patna but the indigo flight took him to jaipur in Rajasthan. In this matter, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has ordered an inquiry on Friday. However, the passenger was sent to patna the next day.

According to the information, a passenger named Afsar Hussain had booked a ticket to patna through indigo flight 6E-214 on january 30. On January 30, the traveller arrived at the airport in Delhi in order to catch the planned aircraft.  But he mistakenly boarded indigo flight 6E-319 going to udaipur instead of Patna. The passenger realized the mistake after landing at udaipur airport.

He informed the officials of the airlines at udaipur airport. The airline reportedly flew him back to delhi and was flown to patna on 31 January. After this matter came to the notice of DGCA, a report has been sought. The DGCA official told that action will be taken against the airline for this negligence.

Why is the boarding pass not scanned?

The DGCA official asked why the indigo staff did not scan the passenger's boarding pass properly. Before boarding, the pass is scanned at two places as per rules. How did he get on the wrong flight?

At the same time, the airline issued a statement on friday saying, 'We are aware of the incident that happened with a passenger in 6E-319 Delhi-Udaipur flight. With the authorities, the issue is currently being explored.  We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to the passenger.

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