The world's second-largest road network is found in India...

India possesses the world's second-largest road network, after the United States. india has surpassed china in the last nine years with the construction of more than 50,000 km of national highways. The nation's longest highway is the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. india has a road network spanning over 63 lakh kilometres. State highways, district roads, rural roads, expressways, and national highways are all included in this. The Network National Highway is one lakh forty-four thousand kilometres long overall. Building national highways is the central government's responsibility.

State governments are in charge of maintaining all other roads to save the National Highway, but the federal government provides a portion of the funding for road building. The width, strength, and other design elements of roads and bridges across the nation are determined by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

This particular story will help us comprehend how long new roads are built every year, how wide they are, which state has the most national highways, which state has the most flyovers, and which state has the least amount of traffic on its roadways.

First, comprehend the need for road construction.

Building quality roads is a crucial infrastructure component for any nation's development. Roads serve as a means of transportation between various regions of the nation. Only highways allow for the easy transportation of goods and services from one location to another. Road construction is the only thing that boosts the nation's social, educational, health, and economic development. Additionally, business is promoted. Produce farmers can convey their goods to markets with ease. Building roads encourages individuals to interact socially.

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