Why march 8 is designated as Women's Day?

Every year on march 8, people around the world commemorate international Women's Day. Numerous activities are held on this day to honor and recognize the accomplishments of women. The official United Nations website states that 'Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress' has been selected as the theme for international Women's Day in 2024.

2024's international Women's Day: An Overview and Analysis

The inaugural National Women's Day was commemorated by the United Nations on february 28, 1909, and the Socialist party of America later declared it. The day is very important for women's rights and gender equality.

Why does march 8th mark international Women's Day?

The women's movement during the Russian Revolution is connected to the fact that march 8 is Women's Day (1917).

Interesting facts about international Women's Day (2024)

Australia issued the first Women's Budget Statement in history in 1984.

With an astounding $360 billion annual shortfall in expenditure on gender-equality initiatives, funding is scarce.

Less than 0.2% of government help is allocated to the prevention of violence against women and girls, while only 5% of aid is focused on addressing it.

Women were first granted the right to vote in a self-governing country, New Zealand.

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