Xi jinping in Russia..! Support for a powerful Friend..!?

Putin recently visited Mariupol, Ukraine. In this context, Chinese President Xi jinping has gone to russia to meet his friend Putin. Chinese President Xi jinping reached the Russian capital Moscow on Monday. He is also expected to seek peace in the ukraine conflict. Russian President Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, expects china to back him in response to pressure from the West. Xi jinping became the first world leader to shake hands with Putin after an arrest warrant was issued by the international Criminal court last Friday. The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Putin for illegally abducting children after the war in Ukraine.
Xi Jinping's visit to Russia:

Xi jinping arrived in russia on Monday. The meeting between Xi jinping and Putin is considered significant as the war between russia and ukraine continues. china and russia have described Xi's visit as part of efforts to further deepen the friendship between the two countries. The Kremlin has welcomed China's peace plan for ukraine, saying it will be discussed during talks between Putin and Xi.
The meeting will begin after dinner:
The meeting will begin on monday after a dinner between the two presidents and 'friends'. Xi's visit to russia comes as the international Criminal court on friday issued an arrest warrant for Putin on charges of war crimes. However, russia has said the warrant is invalid. Since russia is not a member of the ICC, its laws do not apply in Russia.
Will Xi jinping support Putin?
When the entire West turned against russia after the ukraine war, china was among the countries that lifted economic sanctions on Russia. However, openly helping Putin is not so easy for Xi Jinping. This could increase tensions between china and the West. russia is projecting Xi Jinping's visit as a 'support for a powerful friend' against the West. It will be Xi Jinping's first foreign trip since taking office for a third term this month.

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