New delhi sources stated Prime Minister Narendra modi told Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) scientists to not lose hope after vikram Lander of Chandrayaan-2 lost communication with the ground station on the early hours of Saturday. Meanwhile in his encouraging address to the scientists, PM modi added that a major part of the mission has been successful and congratulated the space research organization for its efforts but ISRO chief K Sivan was inconsolably upset.


Meanwhile in fact, K Sivan broke down after the speech and in a video that has gone viral on social media, PM modi was seen consoling him with a heartfelt hug. Reportedly it was an emotional moment considering the effort that went behind india's second lunar mission and also during his address, PM modi also said that the scientists came very close to successfully complete the mission and added that the best is yet to come. Apparently the soft-landing of Chandrayaan-2's landing module, Vikram, did not go according to plan as all ground communication was lost with it just moments before the scheduled landing.

Even as the mood at ISRO's complex turned gloomy, PM modi told the scientists that the entire nation is proud of their achievements and there is no need to feel dejected. Moreover PM modi also highlighted how ISRO has reached new heights through its contributions and is currently one of the top space research organizations in the planet. PM modi said "We will rise to the occasion and scale newer heights of success. To our scientists I want to say- india is with you! You are exceptional professionals who have made an incredible contribution to national progress”.


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