A big news has come out about bollywood actor arjun Kapoor. According to the news, the actor has been injured on the set of his upcoming film 'Mere husband Ki Biwi'. Along with the actor, many other people have also been injured on the set. According to the information, the actor was shooting for the song of the film 'Mere husband Ki Biwi'. Then this accident happened to him.
arjun Kapoor injured during shooting
According to bollywood Hungama reports, the shooting of arjun Kapoor's film 'Mere husband Ki Biwi' was going on at the Imperial Palace of Royal Palms. Here the actor was shooting a song. Then suddenly the roof of the set collapsed and due to this the actor got injured. According to reports, along with arjun Kapoor, actor-filmmaker Jackie Bhagnani and director Mudassar Aziz have also been injured in this accident.
Many people including the actor were injured
Federation of Western india Cine Employees (FWICE) employee ashok Dubey spoke openly about this incident. He told that, 'When the song was being shot, the set also started shaking due to its base. It also affected the roof and it suddenly fell. ashok Dubey also suffered head and hand injuries in the accident. Also arjun and Jackie have been injured.'
When will 'Mere husband Ki Biwi' be released?
Let us tell you that actress bhumi pednekar will also be seen in this film along with arjun Kapoor. This film of their love triangle is going to be released in theaters in the year 2025. Let us tell you that two days ago, actor saif ali khan was also a victim of an accident. A person entered his house and attacked the actor with a knife.