The engagement between naga chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala, which took place on Thursday, august 8, in Nagarjuna's hyderabad home, has finally been official. Since 2022, there have been allegations that Chay and Sobhita are dating. These rumors first surfaced after a photo of the couple during their vacation during a wine-tasting session went viral. Fans of samantha Ruth Prabhu are furious now that Chay and Sobhita have gotten engaged.

Although naga has removed every photo she took with samantha, one in particular has drawn the interest of followers. The actor shared a shot that was used as a promotional image for their movie, "Majili." In this, the pair is visible next to a race vehicle. Chay wrote, "Throwback.." as the caption for this photo. Mrs. and her partner.
Supporters are requesting that he remove this photo. "You deleted all of Sam's photos and unfollowed her on instagram and X," a person said. How come you didn't remove this one? "Delete the post, sam deserves better," another person said. Still, a lot other people defended Chay as well. "Why is everyone acting as though they've gone through a divorce?" someone said. They handled it maturely and don't require our advice.

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