Anil sunkara, a producer, and reddy -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>surender reddy don't get along well. After the director overspent on "Agent," which starred akhil, and went over budget, Anil sunkara lost his cool. Once, "Agent" was placed on hold for several months before production was resumed after a resolution. Despite the nearing release date, the movie's production is still ongoing. The movie "Agent" is due out on april 28, but there hasn't been much anticipation or advertising.

As a result, Anil sunkara is under pressure from akhil Akkineni's supporters to properly schedule and promote the movie's release. The initial budget for "Agent" was Rs 40 crore; it is currently Rs 70 crore. As a co-producer, reddy -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>surender reddy is certain they will make back their investment. With his upcoming feature Agent, which is planned for release on april 28, Akkineni akhil has put a lot of effort into improving himself. The film's promotion has already begun, despite the fact that filming is almost finished. The first single has received a fair amount of positive feedback online.

As of late, we've learned that akhil has invited ram charan and ntr to the pre-release screening of his movie Agent in Hyderabad. Despite the fact that the movie has a long way to go until it is released, akhil has already met the actors and asked them to the event, which will take place in the final week of April.

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