Keerthy suresh starts her day with a rejuvenating yoga session, focusing on various asanas and pranayama techniques. She finds solace in the calming effects of yoga, which helps her cope with stress and anxiety. By incorporating yoga into her daily routine, Keerthy suresh aims to cultivate inner peace and clarity.
Her yoga practice includes a combination of dynamic and restorative asanas, tailored to her specific needs and goals. Keerthy suresh pays close attention to her breath, movement, and alignment, ensuring a harmonious connection between her body and mind.
Through yoga, Keerthy suresh has experienced improved flexibility, strength, and overall physical fitness. She also credits yoga with enhancing her mental focus, discipline, and self-awareness. By embracing yoga as a lifestyle, Keerthy suresh has found a holistic approach to maintaining her physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
As she continues to soar in her acting career, Keerthy suresh remains committed to her yoga practice, recognizing its profound impact on her overall health and happiness.