How much is Ajith's huge salary for acting in 'Good Bad Ugly'? If you ask, you will be happy!

The information about the salary that Thala ajith will get for acting in 'Good Bad Ugly' directed by Adhik Ravichandran has now been revealed.

Good Bad Ugly

Ajith is one of the top actors in tamil cinema. He acted in the movie 'Thunivu' which was released on the occasion of pongal last year. Following this film, ajith has completed acting in a film titled 'Vidaveli', directed by Mizh Thirumeni.

Thala Ajith

As soon as the shooting of this film reached its final stage, ajith made an announcement about his next film. Accordingly, Aadhik Ravichandran, who acted in the film 'Thunivu', liked the story so much that ajith is currently acting in his direction.Titled 'Good Bad Ugly', the announcement of the film was made a couple of months ago. And the shooting of this film is currently going on in full swing. Similarly, last week, the first look poster of the movie 'Good Bad Ugly' was released and went viral. In this, ajith looked like a pakka gang star in a bright green dress like Jigu Jigu, with many tattoos on his hands, watches, rings, etc.

In front of him were seven types of guns and their shells, a weapon to attack others in hand. So fans are looking forward to this movie as it will be a quality gangster movie. Ever since the release of this poster, the anticipation of the film has been increasing among the fans... Recently, the information about the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital rights of this film was also released. Accordingly, it was said that Netflix has acquired the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital rights of the film by paying up to Rs. 95 crores.

The information about the salary that ajith is going to get for this big budget film is now out. Accordingly, there are reports that ajith kumar is going to get a salary of up to Rs.163 crores for this film. Film after film, ajith is increasing his salary by many crores, making the producers like bucks.

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