In order to meet the birthright ban date, there is a rush to give birth in the United States. Before february 20th, indian couples are calling physicians and waiting in line at maternity clinics for cesarean sections. According to one gynecologist of indian descent, he received calls from about 20 of these couples.
Why february 20th? According to an executive order signed by US President donald trump, birthright citizenship will expire on this day.
Ending birthright citizenship in the united states was one of the executive orders that trump issued as soon as he became president. Therefore, children born in the united states up until february 19 will be citizens of the United States.

Children born to non-citizen spouses will not be naturalized citizens of the united states after february 19.
Tens of thousands of indians are employed in the united states on temporary H-1B and L1 visas. Additionally, they are waiting for Green Cards, which provide them permanent status in the United States. Children whose parents are neither U.S. citizens or Green Card holders will not be U.S. citizens by birth.
For this reason, there is a rush to have infants delivered via cesarean section before february 20.
According to The Times of india, women in their eighth and ninth months of pregnancy are now requesting C-sections at an abnormally high rate from Dr. S D Rama's maternity facility in New Jersey. For some, full term is even a few months away.
A lady who was seven months along with her spouse arrived to register for a premature birth. Dr. Rama informed The Times of india that she wouldn't be due until March.
The fact that indians also stake their citizenship on having children born in the US only serves to increase the rush. These American-Indians can serve as their parents' passports to US residence once they turn 21.
Texas obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. S G Mukkala voiced their worries about the dangers of premature babies.
In the past two days, he has spoken with about 20 couples, he told The Times of India.
"Even if it is feasible, a preterm birth puts both mother and child at serious risk," I'm attempting to convey to couples. Underdeveloped lungs, feeding issues, low birth weight, neurological issues, and other issues are among the consequences, he stated.
Many Reddit users understood why the parents hurried for a C-section before the deadline, even if there are still dangers.
"The physicians will undoubtedly advise if it is safe or not, among other things. "That's not bad parenting," someone said on Reddit.
Someone another talked about how the American ideal may be destroyed.
"The American dream is a fraud. They are now processing India's 2012 eb2/3. For those who arrived in the united states in 2007, that is. For example, a 22-year-old recent college graduate who arrived in the US in 2007 will receive their green card around this time. Five more years to become a citizen. To become a citizen, you must be 45. "Be aware of what you are getting into," the individual wrote.
For many people, birthright citizenship in the US was a relief from the century-long backlog for green cards.
"We expected our child to be born here. For six years, we had been waiting for our green cards. Our family's stability could only be guaranteed in this manner. Expecting to give birth in March, priya told TOI, "We are scared of the uncertainty."
A 28-year-old father who works in finance also expressed his concerns about the deadline for his family.
To get here, we made a lot of sacrifices. As he and his wife get ready for their first kid, he told TOI, "Now, it feels like the door is closing on us."
The policy change has even more severe repercussions for illegal immigrants.
A guy from california who has been in the united states for eight years after entering the country illegally was devastated to learn of the trump administration's deadline, as was his wife, who is currently in the seventh month of her pregnancy.
After my wife became pregnant and our lawyer recommended that we obtain immediate citizenship through our kid, we considered applying for asylum. We're all at sea now," he remarked.
On social media sites like Reddit, several people urged indians living in the US to return.
An individual on Reddit said, "Return to india or move abroad."
Indians living in the united states may be at risk of preterm deliveries and will be making every effort to obtain citizenship for their offspring.
Trump's restriction on birthright citizenship is putting the American Dream to the test, and many couples are choosing to have C-sections as a result. All thinking about february 20.


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