anushka Sharma, a well-known actress, has resumed work following her first pregnancy and has begun filming the Jhulan Goswamy biography. However, the talented and endearing beauty recently made headlines for sharing an instagram story in which she criticised a major business for utilising her image. And it appears that this debate is merely a publicity gimmick.

Anushka apparently noticed that "Puma India" had used her photo for an advertisement without actually getting her consent. The actress's posting of such remark on her instagram story has shocked the movie industry because it appeared as though a major brawl was about to break out between a major brand and a major starlet. Puma India, in response, suggested that they (Puma+Anushka) collaborate in order to formally establish certain things. While this occurred on Monday, anushka produced a video on tuesday morning in which she asked her staff whether she should accept Puma's offer.

Given that anushka is portraying the part of a cricket player on screen, in which this shoe company is rumoured to be conducting a lot of in-film promotion, it appears as though she has already signed on with Puma as their brand ambassador. Additionally, they fabricated this online "battle" in order to surprise the audience. Well, that's a really clever marketing gimmick.

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