In a recent bombshell statement, our honorable Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman proudly announced that the central government is keen to bring petrol and diesel under GST. "The intent of the central government is clear," she declared, as if clarity has ever been a hallmark of our fuel pricing system. Of course, the tricky part is convincing states to play along. After all, what’s a little federal chaos without some healthy disagreement?
The FM's statement was sprinkled with optimism — a uniform price for petrol and diesel across the nation! No more fuel shopping sprees across state borders for a few extra rupees saved. Imagine the joy of an Andhra resident not having to envy tamil Nadu's cheaper rates or vice versa. This is nothing short of revolutionary… until you pause and wonder if someone forgot to check the memo from OPEC.

Global Prices? What Are Those?
Ah, the global oil market — that pesky little thing that affects the price of crude oil based on demand, geopolitics, and other factors beyond our control. Sitharaman's vision of GST-ed petrol would presumably smooth over these international disruptions with one uniform price across India. How exactly? A divine miracle of tax math, we assume.
Apparently, the FM's idea of "uniformity" conveniently sidesteps the fact that crude oil prices fluctuate globally. Whether it's a hurricane disrupting supply in the gulf of mexico or an OPEC meeting deciding to reduce production, the world market doesn’t particularly care about India's GST rates. But sure, let’s pretend that a GST-tagged litre of petrol will somehow insulate us from price hikes in New York or sanctions in Moscow.
States vs. Centre: The Blame Game Continues
While Sitharaman urges states to "come together" to include fuel under GST, one can't help but admire the artistry of the blame game. If this grand plan flops, it’s the states’ fault. If it works (somehow), the credit goes to the Centre. Bravo! A masterstroke in political strategy, truly.
A Sarcastic Disclaimer
Let's not forget, the government "intends" to make prices uniform. But wait — if the uniform price is subject to world market fluctuations, what exactly is uniform about it? Are we just unifying our misery? Every time crude prices soar, we'll all hold hands, across states, singing kumbaya as we watch the uniform GST price rise in perfect harmony.
In Conclusion
The move to bring petrol and diesel under GST sounds great in theory — almost utopian. But in practice? Well, as long as the FM doesn’t discover that global prices exist and states continue their love affair with VAT, this dream might just remain, like most political promises, an elegant work of fiction. After all, why let a little thing like reality get in the way of a good headline?