The screenplay by venkat prabhu vividly depicts all of Vijay's signature situations and makes allusions to his previous films and political debut. Despite his prominence, Vijay has accepted some writing decisions, which make for some of the most memorable scenes. Consider the situation where an actor hands the baton to another actor. Their exchange of language creates a magnificent dramatic scene.
However, Trisha's Item song and her Saree color grab all the attention. She was wearing Vijay's TVK flag color as her saree and fans were quick to notice the hidden easter egg. So, this indicates trisha might join Vijay's TVK party too! "GOAT" relies on technology that slows aging. It brings the late politician and actor Vijayakanth to life on film. But the AI effort falls short of what was anticipated. The creators did a really good job of showing younger vs. older Vijay with the use of de-aging technology. However, the de-aging job is rather poor in the flashback scenes that feature a younger Vijay in his teens.