How was the condition of education and health in ram Rajya?

Health and education are regarded as the most crucial topics in any form of government. In an instance like this, it is crucial to understand the state of ram Rajya's health and education systems.

In Ramcharitra Manas, Tulsidas writes: "Everything is beautiful, everything is blue; a short death is not painful."

Nobody should be left in poverty or left in a state of need, nor should they be made to suffer. That is, in ram Rajya, nobody passes away at a young age. Nobody experiences any pain. Everybody has a lovely, healthy body. Nobody is destitute, depressed, or impoverished. Nobody is a fool or without redeeming qualities. In Gurukuls, there existed an educational system. Everyone needed to be aware of the connection between religion and justice. Corruption was not tolerated at all in ram Rajya. 

In his final hours, Shri ram had separated.

The Maithili Ramayana's author, Chanda Jha, states that once the earth burst and Sita blended into it, ram felt upset. ram began to cry and beg Sita's pardon before going into mourning. ram became involved in the Yagya labor after being convinced by numerous sages, but he then began to live alone. When Ram's mother Kaushalya notices that they are apart, she asks why, to which ram suggests that she practice dedication. Chanda Jha claims that ram quickly gave his son the kingship because he could not bear to be apart from Sita. Following this, ram departs for heaven with lakshman and the other brothers in tow.

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