samantha Ruth Prabhu made her first social media post a few hours after her ex-husband naga chaitanya announced his engagement to actress Sobhita Dhulipala. Rather than confronting the engagement, she shared an article honoring the remarkable accomplishment of the indian hockey team in the 2024 Summer olympics in Paris. After defeating spain 2-1 in an exciting match on Friday, the indian team was awarded a bronze medal. samantha had earlier that day posted an instagram story with a crushed heart emoji on wrestler Vinesh Phogat's retirement.
When naga chaitanya and Sobhita were first spotted together in hyderabad in May of the previous year, there was speculation about their romance. Sobhita allegedly celebrated her birthday with chaitanya and friends when she was promoting her movie Major. Their romance drew further attention, particularly after a widely shared image from their june vacation in europe appeared to show them having a wine tasting together, leading to more rumors. samantha Ruth Prabhu was naga Chaitanya's former spouse. After being married for four years in 2017, the pair announced their separation in october 2021, requesting privacy as they went on with their lives.

In this case, samantha made her first photo appearance after Chay's engagement and she was seen wearing a cap and sipping a cup of coffee.

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