NTA changed the date of CUET UG Exam in Delhi

know when the exam will be held now

If you are going to give CUET UG Exam and your exam center is in delhi then know the big update of NTA.

National Testing Agency has given a big update regarding CUET UG exam. CUET UG exam has been re-scheduled in Delhi. The papers which were to be held on 15th May in delhi will now be held on 29th May. Apart from delhi, these exams will be held in other centers on May 15 only. However, NTA has not given any information as to why the exam date was changed. The admit card of the students appearing in the examination on May 29 will be re-issued.

These papers have been re-scheduled

According to NTA's X, these CUET UG papers (Chemistry 306, Biology 304 and english 101, General Studies 501) will now be held on May 29. Whereas the examinations to be held in delhi on 16, 17 and 18 May will be held as per their scheduled time. NTA has told the students that if any candidate is facing difficulty in downloading their latest admit card, then they can also go to the exam center with the already downloaded admit card.

CUET UG 2024 Examination

In case a candidate faces issues in downloading the latest Admit Card from the web portal, he/she should reach the Examination Center with the Admit Card already downloaded by him/her and appear in the Examination.

This year about 13.48 lakh students will appear in the CUET UG examination. NTA will conduct this entrance exam in hybrid mode i.e. both computer based and pen and paper. On the basis of marks obtained in this exam, students will be given admission in undergraduate courses in big universities of the country.

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