Eyes start turning red due to these 7 reasons in summer

Easy tips can provide relief from it.

Redness In Eyes: Due to strong sunlight, dust and many other reasons, people have to face the problem of redness in the eyes during the summer season. To get rid of this problem, you can adopt these measures...

Due to strong sunlight, dust and many other reasons, people have to face eye related problems during the summer season, due to which redness in the eyes is common. Generally, people adopt various home remedies along with medicines to overcome the problem of redness in the eyes. But, still this does not provide relief.

In such a situation, today we are telling you about some such measures, which can prove to be very helpful in removing the problem of redness in the eyes. If you are also troubled by this problem then you can adopt easy home remedies...

due to increasing heat

direct sunlight on eyes

due to excessive sweating

due to dust

allergic reaction

Due to bacterial and viral infection


 apply ice pack

To remove the problem of redness and irritation in the eyes, you can apply ice packs. For this, gently press the ice pack on the eyes for 5 to 10 minutes. This will give relief to your eyes. Keep in mind that wash hands thoroughly before touching the eyes, so that there is no infection in the eyes.

keep yourself hydrated

Apart from this, to avoid the problem of eye dryness, it is important to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day, so that moisture remains in the body. According to health experts, water also helps in removing infections from the body.

wear sunglasses

Health experts recommend that people should wear sunglasses with UV protection while going out to protect their eyes from infection in this season. This provides protection from sunlight and dust. In such a situation, if you want to stay away from these problems then you can adopt these easy measures.

keep washing eyes

Apart from this, sweat in summer can enter the eyes and cause irritation and infection. Therefore, it is important to wash the eyes with water after coming from outside or 3 to 4 times throughout the day. For this, wash the eyes with cold water and use cold compress.

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