Regarding their collaboration, ravindra Vijay states that trisha was a very helpful star while filming. Even though she used to be rather private, she really steps it up when the camera starts rolling. trisha demonstrated her talent as an actor once more with Brinda, doing really well in the film, according to Ravindra. The series, which features Indrajit Sukumaran as the primary antagonist, was directed by surya Manoj. anand Sasi was considered a significant figure as well. Keep an eye here for updates.
Actor Trisha's "Brinda" is unquestionably one of her greatest roles. Since the first episode, you've been captivated by her portrayal of Brinda because of her sincerity. Sarathi, played by ravindra Vijay, excels in yet another significant part. In addition to aiding Brinda with the inquiry, he also has a fully developed storyline.