According to sources for the past one month, 'Drugs' has become the hottest word in film, business and political circles of the Telugu states, especially in Hyderabad. Innumerable debates, discussions, interviews etc. of celebrities and experts have been happening in the wake of the drugs scandal that hit Tollywood recently.

Image result for character artist Hema

Meanwhile character artiste Hema, who is known for having strong socio-political opinions and also having the courage to speak her mind, has accused the government of encouraging youth to take drugs, when she was asked about the drug culture in Hyderabad.

Image result for character artist Hema

Further during an interview, Hema said, 'Earlier there used to very few pubs in the entire Twin cities. Now, there are hundreds in Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills itself. Why is the government giving licenses to so many pubs despite knowing that they infest drug culture among innocent youth, mostly teenagers?' She said "Not just me, most of the parents in Hyderabad are facing this turmoil, just because the govt. is looking at revenues and not the harmful consequences of pub culture".

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