On the fifth day of a brief truce with Hamas, israel freed 30 Palestinian prisoners. Earlier tuesday, Hamas freed 12 detainees it had held captive since october 7. The discussion took place while negotiators convened in qatar to try to prolong the cease-fire past Wednesday.

On the fifth day of the ceasefire agreement, Hamas terrorists released 12 Israeli hostages, while the IDF released 30 Palestinian inmates. The cease-fire agreement between israel and Hamas has been extended by two days beyond its planned expiration date of tuesday morning. In exchange for israel continuing to release Palestinian captives, Hamas, which freed roughly 50 hostages as part of the original arrangement, is scheduled to release another 20 over the next two days.

• The overall number of captives released by Hamas since the truce's inception last friday is currently 81, while israel has released 180 detainees.

• Following an agreement between israel and Hamas, the US transported approximately 54,000 pounds of Gaza-bound medical supplies and food aid to a staging facility in Egypt.

• The white house stated that there is no evidence that Hamas terrorists in Gaza are refusing to release American detainees in order to use them as leverage. Following the freeing of a four-year-old child, the US thinks Hamas is keeping eight to nine Americans as hostages.

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