On Tuesday, a hearing was held in Delhi’s Rouse Avenue court in the case of harassment of women wrestlers

against former Wrestling Federation of india (WFI) president and bjp mp Brij bhushan Sharan Singh. Now the

next hearing in the case of harassment of women wrestlers will be held on december 6. In the hearing held in

Rouse Avenue court on Tuesday, lawyer Harsh Bora filed written arguments on behalf of the wrestlers. The

public prosecutor will present his case on 6 December. Charges can be framed only on december 6.

Earlier on wednesday, the court had fixed november 28 for hearing the arguments on framing of charges against

Brij bhushan Sharan Singh in a case of sexual harassment by six female wrestlers. During the last hearing,

Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Harjeet Singh Jaspal had given three weeks time to the lawyers in the

case to file their written arguments and had stressed to the parties that the arguments would be completed in a

systematic manner.

BJP mp had made this claim

After the reply was filed on wednesday by Brijbhushan sharan Singh's lawyer, the judge had fixed the case for

further proceedings on november 28. The bjp mp had last raised questions on the jurisdiction of the delhi court

hearing the sexual harassment case against him on behalf of six women wrestlers and claimed that no charges

have been filed against him for any of his acts in the country. His lawyer had claimed that the alleged crimes

committed in Tokyo, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Jakarta, Kazakhstan, turkey etc. cannot be heard in this court.

However, Public Prosecutor (PP) Atul Kumar Srivastava had said that sexual harassment of the victims was a

continuing crime as it had never stopped.

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