Reportedly after the voting held on november 17 under the madhya pradesh assembly election process, Congress’s entire

focus is now on counting of votes. To ensure that there is no problem in counting of votes, congress has

organized a school in the capital bhopal today. All 230 congress candidates of the state have been called in this

school. During this time, all the candidates are being given training on how to be careful during counting of votes.

The training organized in the capital bhopal is being given in two shifts. congress candidates from Rewa,

Shahdol, Jabalpur, Gwalior-Chambal divisions are being given training in the first shift starting from 11 am,

while the second shift of the school will start from 2.30 am. During this period, training will be given to the

candidates of Indore, Ujjain, Narmadapuram, bhopal and Sagar divisions. Polling agents are also present along

with the candidates. congress has called all its 230 candidates to the capital bhopal today on sunday (27

November). All 230 congress candidates were given special training on how to prevent any EVM related

irregularities during the counting of votes on december 3.

Congress is giving training to candidates regarding vote counting

Congress candidates are being called to schools and being told how to keep an eye on the counting and what

precautions should be taken at the counting centres. bjp is also going to set up a special school for counting

agents regarding vote counting. bjp has decided that training will be given to counting agents at the assembly and

district levels. They will be taught to be fully prepared at the time of counting. Take objection to the possibility of

any irregularity. Agents will also be taught not to come under any pressure under any circumstances.

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