Gone are those days where portraying a tiger chases deer, birds, bees on screen while 'Sex' happens between the lead pair. Now things have changed over the years. Things completely changed over the years and Censors too changed along with it.

1. The 1920's were actually the best period and there were no troubles from censor board. The below image is from a movie called 'Throw of Dice'.

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2. The Film Advisory Board was formed after Independence and then came the trouble. The Cinematograph Act of 1952 banned kissing altogether on the screens. 

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3. And to get rid of some ridiculous comments from censors, Makers started to use Metaphors and Symbolism to show the 'Dirty Deed'

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4. During 1970's and 80's, Film makers went against norms and movies like 'Bobby' and 'Ram Teri Ganga Maili Ho Gayi' changed the game. 

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5. 1990's were even too bad and things got too 'Hot' for censors. Movies explored new horizons of 'Sexuality'. "Kamasutra", "Bandit Queen" proved that.

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6. Post 200, there is a whole new way of 'Artistic Interpretation'. Directors came with Bold Item Numbers, Kissing scenes and Sex scenes. Most of the occasions ended up as 'Vulgar'. Even censors tightened the screws accordingly.

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