Jailed gangster threatens salman Khan...

It's prison time for lawrence Bishnoi. The gangster recently admitted to killing singer Sidhu Moose Wala, who ran for office on a congress platform, in an interview with a media outlet. bollywood superstar salman khan also voiced anger in addition to this. lawrence Bishnoi issued a direct dare to kill salman khan in his most recent interview. Let us share with you what the criminal said about the actor:

What did the gangster say?

The gangster claims that killing salman khan is the purpose of his existence. He should either visit our shrine in bikaner and offer his apologies, according to Bishnoi, or else he will have to deal with the repercussions. I'm not a goon yet, but after I murder salman khan, I'll turn into one. Now, my only goal is to kill salman khan as soon as the security is gone.

In addition, lawrence Bishnoi added, "I also said this about a year ago. Through the mumbai Police, he had reached salman khan with his warning. salman khan should visit our Bishnoi shrine in bikaner and offer an apology, as I had suggested, but he hasn't done that as of yet. Only one can be killed by the ego. 

The gangster had previously stated, "Salman Khan has let down our society and by doing so has not even apologized to our society," during the previous discussion. My community members are furious with salman khan for killing an animal. In our region, it is illegal to kill animals. Even green branches cannot be cut down. Then he arrived and hunted deer in our region, which has the largest Bishnoi community. We have great regard for our Guru because he used to rear deer. We expected him to apologise to our neighborhood. If that doesn't happen, they'll get a specific response.

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