Mekapati Rajamohan reddy, a former member of parliament and prominent figure, has a brother named Chandrasekhar. Adala lakshmi Rachana reddy, his daughter, is married into the Adala reddy -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>prabhakar reddy clan. She is wed to Adala Vamsidhar reddy, prabhakar Reddy's nephew. Unrest in the Mekapati family is unavoidably expected in the wake of chandrasekhar Reddy's expulsion from the party over allegations that he accepted payments from tdp President N Chandrababu Naidu.
Mekapati vikram Reddy, the younger son of Rajamohan reddy who just won the atmakur by-election, was said to be considering leaving the party, according to some media sources. The Adala family is believed to be experiencing a similar level of unrest. The Mekapati family, however, disregarded all such rumours on Monday. Rajamohan reddy declared his gratitude to jagan Mohan reddy, chief minister of YSRC, for all the assistance provided to his family. Even further, he said that jagan stood next to his late son gautam Reddy.
Vikram reddy also made it clear that leaving the YSRC was not an option at the moment.