Is there a better environment for working women?
Minister of State savitri Thakur said that the government has made four new laws which help in creating a better environment for working women. These laws are: Wage Code 2019, Industrial Relations Code 2020, Social Security Code 2020, Occupational Safety health and Working Conditions Code 2020. There are many rules in these laws which give women the right to work with dignity.
According to the law, there can be no discrimination against women in terms of their salary, job and working conditions. women can work before 6 am and even after 7 pm, but their approval is necessary for this. Their safety should also be taken care of.
Is the participation of women in politics really decreasing?
On this, minister of State savitri Thakur says that at present the President of our country is a woman. To promote women in politics in villages and small towns, the government has reserved 33% seats for women in panchayati Raj institutions. women elected in Panchayats are given training. Today, out of 31 lakh elected representatives in panchayati Raj institutions, 14 lakh i.e. 46% are women. This is more than the reservation given in the Constitution and is the highest number of women in local governments worldwide.
In 2023, the indian parliament passed a historic law called Nari Shakti Vandan Act. This law ensures that one-third of the seats in the country's parliament (Lok Sabha) and the Legislative Assemblies of all the states are reserved for women.